My Treasure Box by Family Twist
Family Treasure Boxes

Travel is key to every family’s own story. It gives them a chance to reconnect and form memories together. It provides a unique opportunity to discover and learn more about different cultures. So, let’s start your family travel at home with our Treasure Boxes.
My Parisian treasure box
Paris, the City of Lights, is a magical place for families. Our Treasure Box collection will cover its main monuments and history, dip into France’s world-famous “gastronomie” and walk you through the best traditions and arts that the city has to offer.

My Italian treasure box
Italy, the favorite destination of history enthusiasts, foodies, Gladiator fans and Gondola lovers! Our Treasure Box collection will cover its main cities and their history, touch on its delicious specialties, and will walk you through its Art.
These Treasure Boxes are a unique and exclusive way to learn more about a destination, in depth, while having fun. There are a variety of ways to explore inside: a cultural journey, a culinary experience, or a hands-on workshop. These experiences can be enjoyed as a family or individually. For further in-depth insider experiences, our local partners have made some videos revealing their expert tips. They can be viewed on the video page of this website with the access code given inside the boxes. We also include a private one on one session with either the guide, the chef or the artist to go into even more details.

My Parisian Treasure Box
Our premium box contains all the symbols of Paris its main monuments. Inside, a unique Board Game can be found, designed exclusively by us.
In addition, a cultural history of the Eiffel Tower with different activities. These include, building a paper model, coloring stickers. and a hands-on workshop on French painter Robert Delaunay, a life-long fan of the Eiffel Tower. The family can reproduce one of his most famous masterpieces. Also included is the opportunity to make France’s word-famous Madeleine cakes and prepare a tradition French “gouter”, with two further recipes!
To further tailor the experience and make it extra special for a family, we have included in our boxes a 30min private discussion with either the guide, the chef or the artists who helped us design the activities. A great way to discover local culture and learn even more!
Many more surprises are inside!
My Italian Treasure Box
All the symbols of Italy and its highlights are in this wonderful Treasure Boxes. Inside, a unique Board Game can be found, designed excusively by us.
The family will also learn all the secrets of the iconic Colosseum. This will include building a paper model, coloring stickers, as well as being able to read a book written by our guide Massimiliano. They will enjoy the art of Mosaic making by producing some traditional designs with travertine, the same type of stone the Colosseum is built with. Our culinary workshop will of course be on pasta!The family will discover how to prepare gnocchetis with either tomato sauce or caccio e pepe. Delicioso!
After your activity, book your private chat with the guide, the chef or the artist to discuss and learn more about what you have made, or go into more detail about Italy with a local expert.
As usual, we also prepared several more surprises!

Sustainability in mind

Professional Quality
We selected useful material and accessories, that our partners use every day. So no doubt families will be able to use the contents of their Treasure Boxes for years to come.

No plastic
Our focus has also been on finding tools and creating activities that use sustainable materials: wood, paper, iron, stone…Even the paper we use for the instructions is extracted in accordance with either from PEFC or FSC certifications.

The tools we use are produced, whenever possible in Europe to limit the transportation of the different materials.